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Premier (W) - Team Captaincy
Premier (W) (WNIHL 1)
League Information and Facts
WNIHL 1 (W) - 2016-2017
Chelmsford Cobras
Karen Law
Jennifer Bolton
Christine Tomlinson
Kingston Diamonds B
Bethany Barwell
CJ Ashton
Joanne Cockerton
Milton Keynes Falcons
Rachael Clough
Elizabeth Archer
Samantha Payne
Nottingham Vipers
Rebecca Meats
Megan Rathbone
Lorna Beresford
Slough Phantoms
Amy Hadden
Suzanne Grieve
Michaela Walker
Streatham Storm
Hannah Carnegy
Joanna Li How Cheong
Sarah Audsley
Widnes Wild Women
Charlene Chapman
Leen de Decker
Emma Pearson