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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1985-1986
Air Force Academy
Tim Hartje
Army (U.S. Military Academy)
Boston College
Scott Harlow
Robert Emery
Boston Univ.
Chris Matchett
Peter Marshall
Bowling Green State Univ.
Jamie Wansbrough
Iain Duncan
Todd Flichel
Brown Univ.
Thomas Wallack
Clarkson Univ.
Andy Otto
Colgate Univ.
Gerard Waslen
Paul Jenkins
College of the Holy Cross
Colorado College
Cornell Univ.
Pete Natyshak
Duanne Moeser
Mike Schafer
Dartmouth College
Dan Nugent
Kevin McCann
Ferris State Univ.
Paul Lowden
Peter Lowden
Rod Schluter
Harvard Univ.
Scott Fusco
Kent State Univ.
Lake Superior State Univ.
Mark Vichorek
Merrimack College
Chuck Linkenheld
Miami Univ. (Ohio)
Bill Easdale
Mike Orn
Ron Renner
Michigan State Univ.
Kevin Miller
Mitch Messier
Don McSween
Michigan Tech
Northeastern Univ.
Paul Fitzsimmons
Northern Arizona Univ.
Northern Michigan Univ.
Ron Brodeur
Ohio State Univ.
Don Perkins
Mark Shortt
Princeton Univ.
Cliff Abrecht
Patrick Brodeur
Providence College
Steve Bianchi
RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
John Carter
Mike Dark
Neil Hernberg
St. Lawrence Univ.
Todd Petkovich
Chris Gunnarson
David Saunders
Scott Nickerson
Dennis McCarroll
Dana Demole
Univ. of Alaska-Anchorage
Bob Madson
Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks
Buddy Bender
Univ. of Denver
Grant Dion
Dallas Gaume
John McMillan
Univ. of Illinois-Chicago
Univ. of Maine
Ron Hellen
Neil Johnson
Univ. of Michigan
Franklin Downing
Univ. of Minnesota
Wally Chapman
Tony Kellin
Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth
Mark Odnokon
Norm Maciver
Matt Christensen
Univ. of New Hampshire
Peter Herms
James Richmond
Univ. of North Dakota
Brian Williams
Scott Sandelin
Glen Klotz
Mickey Krampotich
Ian Kidd
Univ. of Notre Dame
Bob Thebeau
Dave Waldbillig
Univ. of Vermont
Mike Maher
Univ. of Wisconsin
Marty Wiitala
US International Univ.
Western Michigan Univ.
Chris MacDonald
Dan Dorion
Wayne Gagné
Henry Fung
Yale Univ.
Scott Webster