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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1960-1961
American International College
Army (U.S. Military Academy)
Bemidji State Univ.
Ron McKechney
Boston College
Thomas Martin
Boston Univ.
Pete McCann
Bill Quinn
Brown Univ.
Clarkson Univ.
Bill Little
Colby College
Colgate Univ.
Kenneth Kerr
Colorado College
Cornell Univ.
David Barlow
Dartmouth College
Robert Moore
Harvard Univ.
Stewart Forbes
Michigan State Univ.
Andre LaCoste
Michigan Tech
Northeastern Univ.
Art Chisholm
Princeton Univ.
Barend Van Gerbig II
Providence College
Joe Keough
James Wandmacher
RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
Jim Josephson
Larry McMullen
St. Lawrence Univ.
Terry Slater
Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks
Ed Armstrong
Ken Kareen
Univ. of Denver
Bill Masterton
Ken Williamson
Univ. of Massachusetts
Bob Roland
Univ. of Michigan
Dale MacDonald
Univ. of Minnesota
Jerry Norman
Robert Johnson
Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth
Mike Haley
Grant Standbrook
Univ. of New Hampshire
Rod Blackburn
Univ. of North Dakota
John Gray
Gerald Walford
Williams College
Yale Univ.
Kenneth MacLean Jr.