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England U18 - Team Captaincy
England U18
League Information and Facts
England U18 - 2011-2012
Basingstoke Bison U18
Billingham Stars U19
Bracknell Drones
Bristol Snow Dogs U19
Nathan Chilcott
Benjamin Smythe
Chelmsford Mohawks U18
Sean Barry
Courtney Grant
Coventry Blaze U19
Paige Henry
David Rogers
Guildford Firekings U18
Christopher Cooke
Joshua Abbott
Sean Richardson
Kingston Sharks U18
Lee Valley Lions U18
Manchester Phoenix U18
Mason Howard
Conor Duthie
Christopher Fox
Jonathan Parker
Milton Keynes Storm U19
Nottingham Lions U18
Peterborough Phantoms U18
Sheffield Lancers U19
Joshua Kilby
Eden Cooper
Malcolm Smith
Sheffield Steelhawks U18
Elliot Knell
Jonathan Kirk
Slough Jets U18
Swindon Cougars U18
Telford Tigers U18
Callum Griffin
Cameron Blakemore
Saffron Allen
Whitley Braves U18
Christian Johnson
Harry Harley
Callum Clark