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England U18 2 - Team Captaincy
England U18 2
League Information and Facts
England U18 2 - 2022-2023
Cardiff Devils U18
Joshua Foley
Daniel Kinsey
Tobias Gale
Grimsby Tornados U18
Thomas Pettigrew
Charlie Cullum
Callum Auty
Haringey Hounds U18
John Beldecos
Vivian McGee
Keeley Walsh
Invicta Colts U18
Leeds Knights U18
Samuel Cadman
Quinn Crosthwaite
Leo Winn
Manchester Storm U18
James Best
Charles Phillips
Inez Brannan
Milton Keynes Storm U19
Cole McCluskey
Cassius McCormack
Gabriel Duarte
Nottingham Lions U19
James Marshall
Luke Birchnall
Bertram Coutts
Oxford Stars U18
Tristan Monden
Charlie Roche
Charlie Cameron-Reid
Sheffield Lancers U19
George Hallam
Thomas Chappell
Carl Hodgson
Solent Devils U19
Jon McAllister
Louis Atkinson
Ian Hallett
Sutton Sting U19
Jack Straw
Edward Harley
Alexander Williams
Swindon Lions U19
Kai Smith
Finn Devlin-Shirley
Telford Tigers U18
Bailey Tipton
Luke Dixon
Clark Thomas
Whitley Braves U18
Connor Lewis
Jayden White
Owen Wilson
Widnes Wild U18
Jake Meehan
William Calcutt
Samuel Daintith