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ACHA III - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
ACHA III - 2021-2022
Adrian College
Air Force Academy
Arizona State Univ.
Bates College
Jarod Castro
Thomas Luiselli
Owen Bailey
Sam Gutch
Baylor Univ.
Daniel Atkins
Bradley Univ.
Butler Univ.
Calvin Univ.
Central Maine Community College
Central Michigan Univ.
Cleveland State Univ.
Colby-Sawyer College
Colorado Mesa Univ.
Colorado School of Mines
Columbia Univ.
Creighton Univ.
Dallas Baptist Univ.
Dartmouth College
Davenport Univ.
Dordt Univ.
Duquesne Univ.
East Texas Baptist Univ.
Ferris State Univ.
Florida Gulf Coast Univ.
Grand Canyon Univ.
Grand Valley State Univ.
Harvard Univ.
High Point Univ.
Hope College
Illinois State Univ.
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Univ. of PA
Iowa State Univ.
Kent State Univ.
Lawrence Tech Univ.
Liberty Univ.
Jamie Ross
Kenny Fogarty
Christian Kline
Jerrell Campbell
Marian Univ.
Marquette Univ.
Merchant Marine Academy
Miami Univ. (Ohio)
Michigan State Univ.
Milwaukee School of Eng.
Missouri State Univ.
MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech.)
Montana State Univ. Northern
Northern Arizona Univ.
Northern Illinois Univ.
Northwestern Univ.
Oakland Univ.
PennWest California